“We are not called to be for God in the world.

We are called to be in God for the world.”

Robert Mulholland Jnr.


The Surrender Leadership Program is a year-long transformational space dedicated to culturally diverse emerging leaders aged 20 – 35.

We journey with Christian leaders to go deep in faith, life and leadership together.


The goal: Empowerment. Transformation. Action. In Jesus.

Discover what God says about you:

Discover how God sees you, how He’s made you and how to lead from a deep rooted identity in God’s truth.

Find clarity, lead authentically:

Clarify vision for your leadership journey, be equipped with practical skills to impact your community and lead from a confidence in God’s unique purpose for you.

Explore cultural story:

Join a vibrant community where culture is celebrated as a central part of how God has made you, where in-betweens are embraced, and every intersection of life, faith and culture is an opportunity for growth, understanding and new perspective. 

Connect with a community of support:

Connect with leaders, mentors and elders from around Australia who understand what it means to live culture and faith together. Partner with a dedicated discipleship coach to take steps towards who God is calling you to be and what He is calling you to do. 

Who is SLP for?

If you are aged 20-35, from a culturally diverse background, actively serving in your local community and you desire to grow in loving and following Jesus then SLP is for you.

What is involved?

2 interstate retreats with your leadership cohort, to learn together, share stories and grow collectively.

Monthly one on one leadership coaching with your discipleship coach to be accountable to take practical steps towards transformation.

Monthly online gatherings with community elders, leaders and the SLP cohort to learn from and celebrate with God is doing in your life and community.

What is coaching?

Discipleship coaching is about asking important questions to help you respond to God’s invitation to you.

You will be given space, support and accountability with a trained discipleship coach to discern God’s call, find encouragement, think and reflect, be asked the right questions, set clear steps forwards and stick to them.

What next?


    It could be you or someone you know.

    Begin a leader's SLP journey by connecting them with us!


    Find out more about what happens in the SLP, including key events, dates, course costs and more.


    Change a leader's life by donating to the SLP.

    Your gift supports Kingdom transformation!

Contact us.
Ben Chong, Program Director